Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Answer to Crystal's questions

What is your take on the notion that immediacy depends on the cultural context? (i.e. Africans v. Westerners looking at a photograph) Do you agree or disagree that immediacy to some may look like hypermediacy to others? Explain or give an example of how this applies to you.

I think that immediacy does depend on cultural context because of the way different cultures have developed relationships with media. With media I think immediacy comes from something that may seem hypermediated to others because we are constantly exposed to that media so that we may get used to looking passed the medium. For instance while watching a video online may seem by now a very immediate media for people in a highly technological society, in a culture that has little to no knowledge of computers it is hardly likely that they would be able to ignore that seemingly magical device that allows them to view video. Even if we are talking about like a film, it is pretty much understood that certain media products have more cultural relevance in one culture than it would in others, and for the other cultures to view this film it would be a reminder that this was not created for them. It is not a natural experience for them and would seem very far from real or authentic.

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